What are the types of interventions included in technical maintenance
Interventions included
Voir la liste
- Edit an image / text / article / form**
- Modify the page of a slider
- Embed an image / text / slide / article / form**
- Modification of Header / Footer
- Integration of a Facebook page or any other social media **
- Edit an existing video **
- Approve / Reply / Modify a comment **
- Modify / confirm an order
- Create / Modify a product for e-commerce module **
- Modify payment method parameters for e-commerce module
- Integration of a payment method (Check, cash)
- Database cleaning
** If the integration and / or modification of the same element concerns several pages, we count one intervention per page
In the case where the deletion of the same element concerns several pages, we only count an intervention
Interventions not included
Voir la liste